
Confirmation is a service that ‘confirms’ our baptism. Typically, therefore, it is offered for youngsters when they are old enough to ‘confirm’ the vows that were made for them by Godparents at their baptism as children. As such, confirmation is also a ‘rite of passage’ supporting those making a transition from childhood to young adulthood. It can also be understood as God’s ‘confirming’ his love towards us, at whatever stage of life we have reached, and for adults of all ages it can be a significant moment, marking a renewed commitment to follow in the way of Christ. Our oldest candidate at St James’ so far was aged 91!

Our young candidates usually prepare for confirmation by attending a small group. Adults are supported, either as individuals or as a group, by a series of meetings at which the Christian faith is explored and any questions can be discussed.

Typically, candidates from St James’ are confirmed during one of the impressive (and very inclusive) services of conformation held at Salisbury Cathedral, although on other occasions the service takes place at church. It is the Bishop who administers confirmation and so also provides individual Christians with a sense of being part of the world wide Anglican church.

Please get in touch if you’re interested.